Osher Scholarship

It is the intention of the Osher Scholarship endowment to target the students in greatest financial need. Applicant must be making satisfactory progress toward a degree, but academic performance, such as grades or test scores, shall not be considered by the selection committee as stand-alone criteria. CRITERIA: Must have completed at least 24 “degree applicable” semester units (or equivalent) at the time of the initial disbursement (transfer units from another institution may be included in this determination as long as they have been determined to meet Columbia College’s requirement for degree applicable coursework); must be enrolled in at least 6 units during all terms in which the award remains active; must have financial need and have received a California College Promise Grant. USE OF FUNDS: All scholarship funds must be used for educational purposes. Since student must receive a California Promise (formerly BOG) fee waiver to qualify, the scholarship award cannot be used for fees. It can be used for other educational expenses, including textbooks, lab fees, uniforms, tools, and other equipment required by the student’s course of study.

Bernard Osher, Coffill Fund, Front Porch, H Randolph Holder, J & E Brockman, J & P Johnson, R & N Schwarzmann, Symons Trustees, Willliam Coffill, The Wise Family Trust , and Anonymous
Supplemental Questions
  1. In a few sentences, please describe your educational and/or career goals in the next 2-3 years. Please be specific.
  2. Please describe any accomplishment you are proud to have achieved, including any challenges you overcame along the way.
  3. Please describe how an Osher Scholarship would help you achieve your goals.